Mining Services & Solutions

BMW and its teams of experienced geologists have a wealth of experience in estimation of mineral resources and rare metals and the assessment of exploration potential in diverse geological settings and styles of mineralisation. These teams and entities are backed by the skills in data management and use of the sophisticated technical software's.

Data Management - Quality Check

Our Mineral resource modelling team extends expert advice on building robust geologic databases, this includes support from scratch to prepare, execute and oversee drilling, logging, sampling and analytical programs and practices. Our solutions assists organizations and government entities in enhancing the value of exploration data and information.

Rare Mineral Resource Estimation and Audit

BMW's comprehensive geological staff has accumulated many years of experience in the preparation and review of rare mineral resource estimates for a wide range of minerals and metals found in numerous types of deposits, and are skilled in using of state-of-the-art estimation techniques and solutions.

Due Diligence Review and Audit

We extend the same care and skills to the review of work by others, as part of a technical audit or an investor’s exercise of due diligence, BMW offers comprehensive Audit and Review services in any of the 6 continents in wide range of Projects.

Mineral Property Valuation

BMW has recognized expertise in mineral property valuation gained through consulting assignments in all major base and precious metals, the energy minerals (uranium) & rare metals, and a wide range of industrial minerals.

Ongoing Projects 2021-2026

- Collaboration project with US Government (San Francisco)
- 3 Audit Projects with Government of Brazil across Brazil for a 5 year contract, Onsite team of 50+ Professionals
- Mineral Valuation Projects in China and Africa (Zambia, Tanzania, Botswana and South Africa)
- Over 25+ Ongoing projects all across Europe for Due Diligence for their customers